
  1. A Team Leader of Riset Project "Peatland Monitoring and Characterization Based on SAR data".
  2. A Team Leader of Riset Project "Subsurface modeling and Seismicity Analysis Using Seismic Tomography and SAR Interferometry".
  3. A Team Leader of Baseline Riset of Peatland (Collaboration project between Badan Restorasi Gambut (BRG) - Sriwijaya University. 
  4. Consultant of Green Community Mapping for Palembang City.
  5. Expert Team of Environmental Consultants
  6. Team of Indonesian Expert of Pilot Project for Carbon Sequestration and Monitoring in Gundih Area, Central Java, Indonesia (Collaboration project Indonesia-Japan).
  7. WPI Researcher, World Premier International Research Center, International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research (I2CNER), Kyushu University, Japan
  8. Visiting Scientist, I2CNER, Kyushu University, Japan
  9. Foreign Researcher, Kyoto University, Japan
  10. Team of Japanese Expert of Pilot Project for Carbon Sequestration and Monitoring in Gundih Area, Central Java, Indonesia (Collaboration project Indonesia-Japan).
  11. Steering Committee of the 3rd International Conference on SUSTAIN'2012, Kyoto, Japan.
  12. Vice Chairperson of the 1st International Conference on SUSTAIN'2010, Kyoto, Japan.
  13. Secretary of Indonesian Student Association (PPI) Kyoto (2009-2010).
  14. Manuscript Reviewer in International Journals: 
  • Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing; 
  • Geophysical Prospecting; 
  • IEEE - Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing;  
  • Journal of Geology and Mining Research; and 
  • Proceeding of International Conference on SUSTAIN.
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